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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Approved for implementation at the 15th Meeting of the Standing
Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress on August 26, 1980)

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Registration and Operation
Chapter III Preferential Treatment
Chapter IV Labour Management
Chapter V Administrative Organization
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
In order to develop economic cooperation and technical exchanges with
foreign countries and to promote the socialist modernization programme,
certain areas shall be delineated respectively in the three cities of
Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou in Guangdong Province for the establishment
of special economic zones (hereinafter referred to as "special zones").
The special zones shall encourage foreign citizens, overseas Chinese,
compatriots from Hongkong and Macao and their companies and enterprises
(hereinafter referred to as "investors") to open factories and set up
enterprises and other establishments with their own investment or in joint
ventures with our side, and shall protect their assets, the profits due
them and their other lawful rights and interests in accordance with the
Article 2
Enterprises and individuals in the special zones must abide by the laws,
decrees and pertinent provisions of the People's Republic of China. Where
there are specific provisions in these Regulations, they shall be observed
Article 3
A Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Administration of Special
Economic Zones shall be set up to exercise unified administration of the
special zones on behalf of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government.
Article 4
The special zones shall provide investors with a wide scope of operation,
create favourable operating conditions and guarantee them stable business
sites. Investors may establish, with their own investment or in joint
ventures with our side, all projects that have positive significance for
international economic cooperation and technical exchanges, including
industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, tourism, housing and
construction, and research and manufacture involving high technology, as
well as other businesses of common interest to investors and to our side.
Article 5
Land-levelling projects and various public works in the special zones such
as water supply, drainage, power supply, roads, wharves, communications
and warehouses shall be undertaken by the Guangdong Provincial Committee
for the Administration of Special Economic Zones. When necessary, foreign
investment may be used in building these projects.
Article 6
Each of the special zones shall invite Chinese and foreign specialists and
relevant personages who are enthusiastic about China's modernization
programme to form an advisory committee that will serve as a consultative
body for that special zone.

Chapter II Registration and Operation
Article 7
Investors wishing to open factories or set up various economic
undertakings in the special zones with their own investment shall apply to
the Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Administration of Special
Economic Zones, which shall issue them registration certificates and land
use certificates after examination and approval.
Article 8
Investors may open accounts and conduct their foreign exchange
transactions with the Bank of China established in the special zones or
with other banks established there with the approval of the Chinese side.
Investors may take out various kinds of insurance policies at the People's
Insurance Company of China in the special zones or at other insurance
companies established there with the approval of the Chinese side.
Article 9
Products of the enterprises in the special zones shall be sold on the
international market. If their products are to be sold in the interior of
China, they must have the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Committee
for the Administration of Special Economic Zones and go through the
procedures for paying customs duties.
Article 10
Investors may operate their enterprises independently in the special zones
and employ foreign personnel for technical and managerial work.
Article 11
If an enterprise established by an investor in the special zones wishes to
terminate operations before its scheduled expiration, it shall report the
reasons to the Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Administration of
Special Economic Zones, go through termination procedures and settle
claims and debts. After termination of operations, its assets may be
assigned and its funds may be remitted out of China.

Chapter III Preferential Treatment
Article 12
Land in the special zones is owned by the People's Republic of China. The
land to be used by investors shall be provided according to actual needs,
and preferential treatment shall be given with respect to the duration of
its use, the amount of the use fee and the method of payment according to
the different types of business and uses. Provisions for specific
measures shall be made separately.
Article 13
The machinery and equipment, spare parts, raw and semi-processed
materials, means of transportation and other capital goods necessary for
production that are imported by enterprises in the special zones shall be
exempted from import duties. The necessary consumer goods may either be
subjected to import duties or allowed a reduction or exemption therefrom,
depending on the specific situation of each case. When the above-mentioned
goods are imported or products of the special zones are exported, a
customs declaration shall be filed.
Article 14
The enterprise income tax rate in the special zones is 15 percent. Special
preferential treatment shall be given to enterprises established within
two years of the promulgation of these Regulations, to enterprises with an
investment US$ 5 million or more, and to enterprises involving higher
technology or having a longer period of capital turnover.
Article 15
The lawful profit that an investor receives after payment of the
enterprise income tax, and the wages and salaries and other legitimate
earnings that foreign, overseas Chinese and Hongkong and Macao workers and
staff members of an enterprise in the special zones receive after payment
of the individual income tax, may be remitted abroad through the Bank of
China or other banks in the special zones, in accordance with the
provisions of the foreign exchange control measures of the special zones.
Article 16
An investor that reinvests its share of the profit in the special zones
for a period of five years or longer may apply for a reduction of or an
exemption from income tax on the reinvested portion.
Article 17
Enterprises in the special zones shall be encouraged to use machinery and
equipment, raw and semi-processed materials and other materials produced
in China, and preferential prices shall be offered on the basis of China's
current export prices for the same kinds of commodities, using foreign
exchange to settle accounts. These products and materials may be shipped
directly to the special zones with the sales vouchers of the selling
Article 18
Entry and exit procedures shall be simplified and conveniences given to
the foreign personnel, overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hongkong and
Macao entering and leaving the special zones.

Chapter IV Labour Management
Article 19
A labour service company shall be set up in each of the special zones.
Chinese staff members and workers to be employed by enterprises in the
special zones, whether they are recommended by the local labour service
companies or recruited by the investors themselves with the consent of the
Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Administration of Special Economic
Zones, shall all be tested by the enterprises before employment and labour
contracts shall be signed with the staff members and workers.
Article 20
The staff members and workers employed by enterprises in the special zones
shall be managed by the enterprises according to their business
requirements and, when necessary, may be dismissed, after going through
the procedures provided in the labour contracts. Staff members and
workers of the enterprises in the special zones may submit their
resignations to the enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the
labour contracts.
Article 21
The wage levels, types of wages, award measures and the labour insurance
and various state subsidies for the Chinese staff members and workers of
the enterprises in the special zones shall be included in the contracts
signed by the enterprises with the staff members and workers as stipulated
by the Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Administration of Special
Economic Zones.
Article 22
Enterprises in the special zones shall adopt the necessary measures for
labour protection to ensure that staff members and workers work in safe
and hygienic conditions.

Chapter V Administrative Organization
Article 23
The Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Administration of Special
Economic Zones shall exercise the following functions and powers:
(1) to draw up development plans for the special zones and organize their
(2) to examine and approve the investment projects of investors in the
special zones;
(3) to handle registration of industrial and commercial enterprises and
land allotment in the special zones;
(4) to coordinate working relations among the banking, insurance,
taxation, Customs, frontier inspection, postal and telecommunications and
other organizations in the special zones;
(5) to provide the staff members and workers needed by enterprises in the
special zones and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the staff
members and workers;
(6) to establish educational, cultural, health and various public welfare
institutions in the special zones; and
(7) to maintain law and order in the special zones and protect, in
accordance with the law, the persons and property in the special zones
against encroachment.
Article 24
The Shenzhen Special Zone shall be under the direct management and
administration of the Guangdong Provincial Committee for the
Administration of Special Economic Zones. Necessary offices shall be set
up in the Zhuhai and Shantou Special Zones.
Article 25
A Guangdong Provincial Special Economic Zones Development Company shall be
set up to suit the expanding economic activities in the special zones. Its
scope of business shall include: undertaking to raise funds and handle
trust investment business; operating, or jointing with investors in
operating, relevant enterprises in the special zones; acting as agent for
investors in the special zones in transactions relating to sales and
purchases in trade with the interior; and providing services for business

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 26
These Regulations shall go into effect after they have been adopted by the
People's Congress of Guangdong Province and submitted to and approved by
the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's
Republic of China.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

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(2011年10月13日日政发〔2011〕38号发布 根据2012年8月10日日照市人民政府令第75号《日照市人民政府关于修改和废止〈日照市统一企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法〉等8件市政府规范性文件的决定》修订)

第一条 为推动散装水泥的发展和应用,促进循环经济发展,节约资源和能源,保护和改善环境,提高经济和社会效益,根据《散装水泥管理办法》、《山东省促进散装水泥发展规定》及有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
第二条 在本市行政区域内从事水泥、预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产、经营、运输、使用和管理的单位和个人,应当遵守本办法。
第三条 本办法所称散装水泥,是指不用包装,直接通过专用设备出厂、运输、储存和使用的水泥。
第四条 各级人民政府应当加强对发展散装水泥工作的领导,将其纳入当地国民经济和社会发展规划,并制定相应的工作目标和措施,促进散装水泥的发展。
第五条 各级人民政府经济和信息化部门是本行政区域的散装水泥行政主管部门,负责本行政区域内散装水泥的监督管理工作。
第六条 散装水泥行政主管部门应当根据当地国民经济和社会发展规划,会同发展改革、住房城乡规划建设、环保等行政主管部门,编制本行政区域内散装水泥的发展规划和年度计划,并由散装水泥管理机构组织实施。
第七条 各级人民政府及其有关部门应当支持、引导散装水泥、预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆现代物流体系建设,发展第三方物流,提高物流的社会化、专业化水平。
第八条 新建、扩建和改建水泥生产企业(包括粉磨站和配制厂,下同),应当按散装比例70%以上发放能力的要求进行设计和同步建设,按期投入使用。
第九条 鼓励发展预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆。
第十条 水泥生产企业以及预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆和水泥制品生产企业,应当建立健全质量管理体系,保证散装水泥、预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆和水泥制品的质量符合国家规定的标准。
第十一条 市规划区、县人民政府所在地的镇规划区以及国家和省批准的开发区范围内,限期禁止建设工程现场搅拌混凝土、砂浆。
第十二条 散装水泥、预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆的运输应当使用专用车辆,并保持车况良好、车貌整洁,并采取必要的防洒漏措施。
第十三条 从事水泥、预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆和水泥制品生产、经营、运输的单位和个人,应当采取有效措施,确保生产、运输、储存等设施设备以及生产经营场所符合国家有关安全生产和环境保护的要求。
第十四条 水泥、预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆和水泥制品生产企业,应当按照统计法律、法规和统计制度的规定,真实、准确、完整、及时地向散装水泥管理机构提供散装水泥生产和使用统计数据,不得虚报、瞒报和拒报。
第十五条 各级人民政府及其有关部门应当在农村规划建设散装水泥销售网点,建立健全散装水泥配送和服务体系,并鼓励农村居民使用散装水泥、预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆。
第十六条 水泥生产企业和使用单位应当按照规定缴纳散装水泥专项资金。
第十七条 水泥生产企业销售袋装(包括纸袋、复膜塑编袋、复合袋等)水泥的,应当按照每吨1元的标准缴纳散装水泥专项资金,使用袋装水泥的单位,按照每吨3元的标准缴纳散装水泥专项资金。
第十八条 年设计生产能力100万吨以上的水泥生产企业散装水泥专项资金由市散装水泥管理机构负责征收,年设计生产能力达不到100万吨的水泥生产企业散装水泥专项资金由区县散装水泥管理机构负责征收。
第十九条 散装水泥管理机构应当在当地行政审批服务中心设立窗口,在建设单位办理开工报告或者施工许可证前,按照规定预征散装水泥专项资金。
第二十条 任何单位和个人不得违反国家规定,擅自减免或者批准缓缴散装水泥专项资金,不得改变散装水泥专项资金征收对象或者提高征收标准。
第二十一条 违反本办法,建设单位在禁止现场搅拌混凝土、砂浆的区域内现场搅拌混凝土、砂浆的,由住房城乡规划建设行政主管部门依据《山东省促进散装水泥发展规定》,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款。
第二十二条 违反本办法,水泥、预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆和水泥制品生产企业虚报、瞒报或者拒报散装水泥生产和使用统计数据的,由散装水泥行政主管部门依据《山东省促进散装水泥发展规定》责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处2000元以上1万元以下的罚款。
第二十三条 违反本办法,水泥生产企业和使用单位未及时、足额缴纳散装水泥专项资金的,由散装水泥行政主管部门责令限期缴纳。拒不缴纳的,依法申请人民法院强制执行。
第二十四条 违反本办法,擅自减免或者批准缓缴散装水泥专项资金,改变散装水泥专项资金征收对象或者提高征收标准,或者截留、坐支、平调、挪用散装水泥专项资金的,由财政部门或者散装水泥行政主管部门责令限期改正;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第二十五条 经济和信息化行政主管部门可以委托其所属的散装水泥管理机构依法查处违反本办法的行为。
第二十六条 政府及其有关部门的工作人员在散装水泥监督管理工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分; 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第二十七条 日照经济技术开发区按照区县进行管理,山海天旅游度假区由市经济和信息化行政主管部门及其所属的散装水泥管理机构直接管理。
第二十八条 本办法自2011年12月1日起施行,有效期五年。